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While online communities may enhance firm performance, they commonly fail to retain members. To address this challenge, scholars and managers call for the use of gamification. However, despite gamification’s growing use in online communities, insight into its effect on member experience and behaviours remain limited. We hypothesise that gamification affects member-perceived distributive and procedural justice. In experimental studies, we assess the impact of in-gamification perceived justice on member contributions. We find that while high in-gamification perceived procedural justice acts as a necessary prerequisite for member contributions, high distributive justice can reduce game-related uncertainty, thereby rendering gamified practices less fun, particularly for low-engaged community members that tend to value rewards. We add to the literature by (a) pinpointing the core role of perceived justice in the persistence of online communities, and (b) unveiling that high distributive justice can lead gamification to backfire in online communities by affecting member experience and contributions.  相似文献   
曾向红  陈亚州 《世界经济与政治》2020,(1):102-127,158,159
构建上海合作组织命运共同体是中国政府提出的关于促进上海合作组织长远发展的重大倡议。由于上海合作组织命运共同体理念的提出时日尚短,学术界关于该理念的研究尚未全面启动。要使上海合作组织命运共同体理念成为一个有效的研究议题,不仅需要明晰上海合作组织命运共同体的具体内涵,而且需要将其纳入国际共同体、国际组织和大国外交等议题的研究,提炼出一些具有普遍性的理论命题。就攸关上海合作组织命运共同体构建的重大问题而言,至少需要回答上海合作组织命运共同体提出的理论与实践意义、上海合作组织命运共同体构建应遵循的基本路径、上海合作组织命运共同体构建的基础和条件、上海合作组织命运共同体构建面临的挑战与障碍、学术界能为上海合作组织命运共同体构建提供的对策建议等重大问题。在此过程中,学术界还需将其与周边命运共同体、人类命运共同体等家族相似性的概念纳入同一研究视域,以澄清上海合作组织命运共同体的内涵与外延,辨识上海合作组织命运共同体演变的动力与机制,并从理论层面提炼上海合作组织发展经验的特殊性与普遍性。  相似文献   
城市自生群落具有重要的生态服务功能与潜力,但因其外貌不被公众所接受而难以在城市公共空间中应用。将群落生态学和设计学相结合,探索一种介入栽培植物对城市自生群落进行改良,最终形成具有一定美学价值的植物群落的途径。实验以植物群落设计美学原理和种间竞争原理为依据,向已经演替1年的城市自生群落中引入63种栽培植物,按照分层的方式对群落进行改良。3年的观测结果表明,有61.9%的栽培植物可以在城市自生群落中定居并建立优势,能对76.7%的自生植物起到抑制作用,使55.8%的自生植物消失。相比城市自生群落,改良后的群落美观度提高29.4%,公众接受度提高24%,群落的物种丰富度提高至2.29倍。相比一般的人工植物群落,改良后的群落可以节约58.2%的建植成本,降低83.9%的浇水成本和67.8%的除草成本。实验证明改良设计是一种可行的群落设计途径,能有效提高群落的物种丰富度和美学价值,同时让自然参与群落设计过程,实现人与自然的合作。  相似文献   
[目的]全域旅游发展理念的提出进一步丰富和提升了社区参与旅游发展的内涵,文章从全域旅游视角研究社区参与式乡村旅游的开发模式,以期为乡村全域旅游的发展提供参考与借鉴。[方法]通过实地考察和资料查阅法,了解南矶旅游开发及社区参与的现状,结合实证分析法,构建基于社区参与的南矶乡村全域旅游开发模式。[结果](1)目前南矶乡村旅游尚处于发展初期,当地居民对参与旅游发展的意愿比较强烈,但参与的水平与能力都较低,湿地资源作为当地社区福祉的根本同时也是主要的旅游吸引物,当地旅游开发应将社区作为核心利益群体;(2)提出政府、保护区、旅游发展协会、旅游企业和当地社区“五位一体”的社区参与式乡村全域旅游开发模式,并从旅游功能分区、旅游开发经营、产品开发、收益分配和环境保护等5个方面重点论述了该模式的实施途径,以形成以股份合作制为主、社区居民自发旅游和乡村旅游创客等多种旅游开发经营形式共同发展的格局,推出融湿地生态旅游和乡村旅游的产品体系。[结论]该文所构建的乡村全域旅游开发模式将社区参与作为一个实质性要素,强调区域资源有机整合、产业融合发展和社会共建共享,并兼顾旅游开发和生态保护,这将有利于全方位盘活社区资源和带动当地居民就业增收,实现旅游业与社区共生发展,因此这种开发模式比较适合于那些经济基础比较薄弱而旅游业尚处于发展初期且位于自然保护区及其周边的乡村地区进行旅游发展。  相似文献   
Anxieties over the potential impacts of climate change, often framed in apocalyptic language, are having a profound, but little studied effect on the contemporary Western urbanscape. This article examines the ways in which current theorizations of ‘ecological gentrification’ express only half the process, describing how green space is used for social control, but not how ecology is used as a justification regime for such projects. As urbanites seek out housing and living practices that have a lower environmental impact, urban planners have responded by providing large-scale regeneration of the urbanscape. With the demand for this housing increasing, questions of inequality, displacement and dispossession arise. I ask whether apocalyptic anxiety is being enrolled in the justification regimes of these projects to make them hard to resist at the planning and implementation stages. The article shows that, in capitalizing on collective anxiety surrounding an apocalyptic future, these projects depoliticize subjects by using the empty signifier, ‘Sustainability’, leading them into an immuno-political relationship to the urbanscape. This leaves subjects feeling protected from both responsibility for, and the impacts of, climate change. Ultimately, this has the consequence of gentrification coupled with potentially worsening consumptive practices, rebound effects and the depoliticization of the environmentally conscious urbanite.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on food shopping behavior. However, changes in food shopping behavior and related decision-making mechanisms remain unexplored. This study conducted a face-to-face questionnaire survey with 900 residents in three communities in Haidian, Beijing, China, to analyze food shopping behavior during the periods of pre-lockdown, lockdown (January–March 2020), and post-lockdown. Our results indicated that the preference for fresh food e-commerce shopping was accelerated by the lockdown with the usage rate increasing by 48%; the wet markets were seriously hit by the lockdown policy and had not fully recovered by the post-lockdown period (with a 75% reduction in the usage rate during lockdown). The psychological mechanisms of changes in food shopping behavior revealed that the context (e.g., community facilities) and the perceived risk of COVID-19 were two significant factors impacting the four shopping choices investigated. Specifically, the context factors affected behavior directly for supermarkets and convenience stores and indirectly for e-commerce and wet markets. The findings are expected to help in guiding emergency responses during a future pandemic as well as the long-term construction of food supply facilities.  相似文献   
本文探讨了将高校教学与科研目标管理转换为多层次指标和权重的绩效管理的方法,采用精细化的管理理论,设计了利用网络和计算机技术解决高校教学与科研的考核与奖罚的管理模式。对高校信息化、精细化、标准化管理和过程控制具有重要意义。  相似文献   
文章从课程建设的背景、建设思路、教学模式的创新和教学评价体系等方面对高职《物流管理基础》的课程建设进行分析,并对课程建设的实施进行评价总结。  相似文献   
本研究梳理了社区与社区银行的概念,通过对14组代表性定义的内容分析和编码发现传统社区银行的实质就是中小型商业银行。社区隐含了社区银行的覆盖范围、服务对象和业务特征,其服务对象没有实质差别。研究提出了社区银行的四个维度和特征,分别是银行规模、覆盖范围、服务对象和业务种类。监管机构和美国提出者更关注银行规模,而研究者特别是中国研究者更重视覆盖范围。因此,“地理范围论”和“资产规模论”基本成立,而“国别论”理论差别不大,“所有制论”和“形态论”并不成立。通过案例研究和实地调研归纳出社区银行的三种主要模式:即美国的“关系信贷”、澳大利亚的“特许经营”和中国的“金融生态”模式。其中,“特许经营”模式变相扩大了银行规模和覆盖范围两个维度,而“金融生态”模式扩展和丰富了银行规模、覆盖范围和业务种类。最后,结合发达国家的先进经验,有针对性地提出四点建议,并构建了中国社区银行建设的特征与要素模型。  相似文献   
公共产权资源治理理论的演进与进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
1954年,戈登(Gordon)最先抓住了CPR问题的本质,并对其属性进行了模型化论证,成为该领域的开创性研究。哈丁"公地悲剧"的发表则激起了学界研究CPR问题的热潮。早期学界主张要么通过"利维坦",要么私有化来治理CPR。由于奥斯特罗姆等人的努力,社区自治作为事实上的一种替代性解决方案日益得到认可。拉赫曼(Rahman)等人的研究则表明在特定的宗教和文化背景下,公地不仅不会导致悲剧,而且具有私地所不能比拟的优势。希尔(Hill)对美国野牛的研究发现,即使是经济学家公认的公地悲剧也未必真的就是悲剧。  相似文献   
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